I attended the Outdoor Environmental Education Research Seminar 2016 at Broomlee Outdoor Education Centre from 13-15 April 2016 organized by the PhD students based in Moray House School of Education, the University of Edinburgh. Different people have different interests and they pick different things from a seminar or talk. This is my account of what I learnt from the Seminar which might not be the same as other participants. However, I enjoyed these three days to the fullest and would like the conversation to be continued.
Based on my perceptions I grouped my learnings under several headings- impact of outdoor environment, teachers' perceptions, research methods, learning for sustainability, policy impact, publishing research and outdoor activities.
Based on my perceptions I grouped my learnings under several headings- impact of outdoor environment, teachers' perceptions, research methods, learning for sustainability, policy impact, publishing research and outdoor activities.
Figure 1: I enjoyed the food in Broomlee Outdoor Education Centre- they kept in mind individual choices and preferences |
Impact of outdoor
environment- Matluba Khan, Aristea Kyrikou, Jamie Hamilton
Me and Jamie explored the impact of outdoor environment on
children’s learning in completely two different contexts- Bangladesh and
Scotland respectively applying totally different methodological approach.
However, the interesting thing is the findings are the similar i.e. outdoor
environment’s positive influence on children’s learning and also teachers’
positive attitude related to taking children’s to the outdoors. Whereas I
looked into learning as an outcome of children’s exploration of the environment,
relationship with peers, perceived physical activity and perceived motivation
to learn in the outdoors, Jamie explored children’s memory, attention
restoration, social interaction and physical activity as constituents of
children’s cognition. In both research, under-achievers were found to be
benefitted from the experience in the outdoors and most children preferred
outdoor environment over classroom for their learning.
Aristea explored how schools can adapt the national
curriculum through extending the learning to the schoolyard. Schoolyards,
irrespective of urban or rural if contain elements (for example- gardens,
aquatic features etc) that can enhance children’s learning experiences Her research strengthens the ground that
schoolyards should be designed to accommodate children’s learning of curriculum
One important point that has been brought at the end of the
discussion by David, how the teachers can be encouraged to take children to the
outdoors considered the barriers related to this aspect. As teachers are the
key players, measures must be taken to remove the barriers in other way to
encourage the teachers to take the first move. Few research explores the
relationship of the outdoor environment and teachers’ motivation however, my
research provides evidence that outdoor environment positively influences
teachers’ motivation and engaging them in the design of schoolyard might be the
first step to encourage the teachers to take the children to the outdoors. This
is also supported by Carey's (2012) study where she compared
three potential solutions- altering schoolyard, engaging with one teacher,
teacher training program based on reach, time and cost and opted for the
development of schoolyard.
Figure 2: I think it's me presenting :-) |
Teachers’ perception-
Shang Zhan, Louise Hawxwell, John Pierce
John investigates instructor’s role in Irish outdoor
education centres and that re-establishes the fact that teachers play the key
role in children’s education either being authoritative or giving the authority
to the children to be creative, explore the unexplored and push the boundary.
People’s experiences in different culture and contexts are
not the same, yet sometimes I get surprised how similar people’s perception
about outdoor experiences can be in different climate, culture and context.
Louise’s research on first year trainee teachers’ perception of outdoor
teaching is quite similar to how teachers in Government Primary Schools
perceive this. The perceived barriers related to time, cost and class management
in UK primary schools are not always the real picture, as its found in my pilot
study in a Scottish Primary School where the teachers once outside are more
positive about children’s achieving multiple competences in single outdoor
activity and my field research (may be in Jamie’s research too).
I am quite thrilled to find how outdoor education is
supported by laws in Taiwanese Primary Schools. All these primary schools are
beautifully designed providing so much affordances to the children for diverse
activities and being in contact with nature.
The bottom-up educational reform gives teachers much authority in terms
of what they are teaching and how they are doing that ( which is also very
important for teachers’ motivation and that’s the thing which gives job
satisfaction to the teachers as I found in (Sylvia, 1985)). I was interested to learn
about more empirical research in Taiwan and what is the motivation behind this
educational reform. More research in these contexts can give us useful
knowledge on how policies can be influences in other contexts too. However, the
design of school contexts and support from parents played an influential role
on teachers’ practices which helped to extend outdoor learning from school
landscape to the community.
Research Methods-
John Telford, Robbie Nicole, Jamie Mcphie, Dave Clarke
Whereas Mcphie and Dave expressed their likeness and also
rationale to explore post qualitative methods in the research of outdoor
education, John’s presentation exposed the audience to the world of
phenomenological research. Architects or environmental designers always have an
inclination for phenomenological approach to find how their design influence or
shape person’s everyday experiences. Combining phenomenology and ethnography,
therefore, ethno-phenomenology can be an appropriate approach to explore
children’s and adults’ experiences of learning/teaching outdoors or exploration
of a designed outdoor environment.
Robbie Nicole’s workshop ‘You are Never Alone’ was an
eye-opener for me in many ways. Its not long when I tried to name these sole
experiences of mine- whether its in over-crowded Dhaka city or in Edinburgh. In
these solo walks of mine, I was never alone, I explored those untouched
subconscious thoughts of mine which I never dare to dig into. I always thought
of writing those thoughts and emotions which I could not, however, now a days I
think about my PhD research and I try to document in some way those thoughts. Using
this into research can bring out those unexplored realm of human life and
experiences which might not be investigated in any other way. This activity was
followed by a very lively discussion session where various issues emerged
related to outdoor education. Its really interesting how ‘we think our
culture’s thoughts’ rather than our ‘own thoughts’. Robbie summarized the
discussion in few points- 1) the complex, multi-layered and continuous nature
of the reality 2) the relation of outdoor education with this complex nature
and 3) the thought that there is something wrong with the planet.
The discussion left me overwhelmed about the complex nature
of the reality, how ‘outdoor learning’ deeply rooted in the history of Indian
sub-continent was in a way uprooted by the introduction of formal schooling
system and constraining ‘learning’ inside the four walls of a classroom; though
Rabindranath Tagore introduced that in Shantiniketon, how its perceived as an
exceptional model and lessons are not learnt from this exemplary institution or
even its not evaluated through research for betterment of the model; how my
idea of bringing classroom back to the outdoors has been criticized as the
import of a westernized model. Yet, there are more rooms for thought here as
Jamie Mcphie mentioned about our perception of ‘nature’ and we also need to
look into the model of ‘classroom’ which is made by men who are also parts of
Learning for
sustainability- Rebekah Tauritz, David Somervell, Lewis Winks
Rebekah’s research explores teachers’ strategies to enhance
children’s uncertainty competences. The study is really intriguing as this
aspect of learning is completely new to me. I am very interested to learn the
outcomes of the research in terms of dealing with issues like global warming or
water conflicts and learning for sustainability. Lewis’s designed outdoor
activity of re-presenting the participants’ perception of self, community and
the world made some of us discover how similar we can be in our perceptions
regardless of origin, culture and research field. However, I am looking forward
to the evidence generated from this study on how residential outdoor learning
experiences combining theory and practice can impact children’s learning for
sustainability. David’s observation based on the experience of working in HEI
for a long time regarding the potentials of outdoor education having footage in
other disciplines and how it can promote interactions between and among
disciplines for creating a sustainable environment was inspiring.
Figure 3: My perception of self, community and the world |
Policy Impact-
Natalie White, Juliet Robertson, Pete Higgins
It was great to meet Juliet again after two years who I
first listened in a seminar organized by Parent Spark in Prestonfield Primary
School. Juliet’s talk was motivating as she told the story of her journey in
supporting outdoor education and gave a
broader idea about using the outdoors for teaching. Mentioning ‘The Book
Approach’ seemed quite intriguing which emphasises the need of more empirical research
producing evidence related to learning in the outdoors. Natalie’s speech
focused on communication and change in the realm of outdoor education. The
topic of how to motivate the teachers to take children to the outdoors was
raised again as she emphasized on producing empirical evidence regarding
children’s academic attainment that can positively influence teachers in
outdoor teaching. Natalie focused on change based on Kurt Lewin’s model of
I was always trying to find the answer of the question ‘So
What’ related to my study, however, this whole seminar provided me the rationale
for conducting my study. Following Professor Pete Higgin’s account of working
in outdoor education and also influencing policy, I asked for his valuable
suggestion on how I can influence the policy making decisions in countries like
Bangladesh. Pete also advised of research that can create empirical evidence
and suggested sharing the findings of the research in medias which are more
accessible to public (i.e. newspaper). This can be easily related to Simon
Beame’s talk earlier that morning on a publishing strategy- publishing a easier
version of the scientific article in another media- blog or newspaper.
It was great to learn how the outdoor education centre
worked on the written evidence on OL which was submitted to Scottish Parliament
and how the national implementation group worked for Vision 2030. I need to
look into the report ‘Learning for Sustainability, One Planet Schools:
Connecting Schools and Community’ to check on the developing countries which
were included in the study and how these countries are connecting schools with
Pete Higgin’s speech reminded me the speech of Michael Russel
in the Policy Stories program organized by Scottish Graduate School of Arts and
Humanities. I shared my research with Mike and asked for his suggestions on how
I can influence the policy. Mike suggested conveying a simple single message to
civil servants (however, I might have got confused here- who would I convey the
message- to the politician himself?), but what if the civil servants are not
sympathetic to the issue? Another thing that struck me is ‘to attack’- this
actually can help PhD students at various stages- to ask the research question other
way round. ‘Why Indoors?’ Instead of ‘Why Outdoors?’ can bring different dimension
to the research.
![]() |
Figure 4: Researcher to Policy makers (adapted from Pete Higgins at OEERS 2016) |
Publishing research-
Simon Beames
The first thing I need to do just after finishing the first
draft is ‘to publish’. I will remember Simon’s advice on writing for different
audiences. What if I publish the handbook I made in Bangla as an ebook? Seems
like a good idea to me.
Outdoor Activities-
Roger, Mark
Figure 5: On our way to the top of Pentland Hills |
Orienteering, Solo walk in the woods, From self to society,
Hill Walk, Exploring town
I cannot appreciate an Outdoor education seminar without
outdoor activities. I really enjoyed the orienteering activities by Roger
Scrutton. The interesting thing is I did it right the first time, but I was
kind of lost in the second and third time. I enjoyed the hi ll walk to the
fullest- everybody else did so I think. May be the first thing I need to do
after coming back to Edinburgh is to buy a pair of hill walking boots. But I am more comfortable in my
trainers. I always try to capture the moments and the beautiful landscape in my eyes and the
eyes of the camera that slows me down during forest walks or hill walks.
However, I always try to remember somethings I read in wanderlust – Its not
about competition how fast I could climb or reach the destination, its about
the experience throughout the journey. That might be applicable for our PhD
journey, though we need to take account of the time, the most important thing
of doing a PhD to me is to enjoy the whole process, experiment, explore and
then reaching the destination would feel much more meaningful.
Figure 6: My poor trainers at the end of Outdoor Education Seminar! |
Carey, L. A.
(2012). Little classroom on the playground: increasing student academic
achievement through integrating the playground into academics.
Sylvia, R. D.
(1985). What Makes Ms. Johnson Teach? A Study of Teacher Motivation. Human
Relations, 38(9), 841–856. http://doi.org/10.1177/001872678503800902
That's a comprehensive summary! Well done and thanks for capturing the conference.
ReplyDeleteThanks very much Juliet for your comment.
DeleteSounds like an interesting and exciting range of talks.... has certainly given me a lot to think about. This idea that we "think out culture's thoughts" rather than our own had never occurred to me before, yet is so true.... therefore it's so important we share our ideas and experiences as widely as we can. The conference seemed like the perfect opportunity to do that! Outdoor activities look like a lot of fun!