Few months ago, I was struggling with exhaustion and fatigue. My colleagues were saying perhaps I was stressed due to PhD. However, I was wondering why I am facing such exhaustion at that moment rather than the time while I was working almost 24 hours a day building the schoolyard in Bangladesh during my field survey. I also did not feel such fatigue at the early months of my PhD while I did not know whether I would be able to manage the fund to build the schoolyard. Nevertheless I was trying to reevaluate my everyday life, my home or work space. I was advised rest but what I could see from the living room window is this.....
View from the couch of my living room at Wardlaw Place
Well, the bouquet was a gift from my husband to cheer me up but what I could see is the view of the building opposite our flat. I did not want to stay at home from where I could not see the sky or green, yet the wet gloomy weather did not let me go out. I was missing staying at out first flat in Edinburgh which had a wide view of Pentland hills and the sky. Every evening while I came back from the University a wide green view awaited for me, I felt relaxed at home. After working for long hours in front of the computer in an open plan office with less scope of social interaction, now when I am back home, I cant see anything but the closed or curtained window of the flats opposite my window. I don't know whether I was consciously associating my increased stress level with the change in my environment just because I am an environmental designer or any mature conscious adult would do this. Whatever the situation is, this association is hugely supported by research of many years in this area.
View from the couch at Appin Terrace
Amount of
window view of natural elements or greenery either in residential, work or
educational environments has an impact on people’s cognition, health and
well-being. Research shows increased amount of window view of naturalness
improve cognitive functioning (Wells 2000), comfort, pleasure and well-being (Stigsdotter &
Grahn 2002)
and reduce stress related to job and intention to quit (Leather et al. 1998). Nature scenes dominated by vegetation improve general
well-being and reduce anxiety (Ulrich 1979), reduce stress in prisoners (Moore 1981), help recover from surgery (Ulrich 1984), lower blood pressure (Hartig et al. 2003), lower heart rate (Laumann et al. 2003) and have general restorative potentials (Laumann et al. 2001).
I could not concentrate in writing or thinking about my PhD during that time. I was stressed and that was lowering my performance. Not only in adults but stress
can be predictor of lower academic performance of children and adolescents as
mentioned by Li & Sullivan (2016) drawing on the findings of related studies. Through
recovery of stress view of greenery can have positive impact on both primary
and high school children’s academic performance (Li & Sullivan
2016; Matsuoka 2010).
children perceive their surrounding environment is different than the adults.
Its inevitable that children’s perceived restorativeness of the environment is
different than how adults perceive the restorativeness of the environment. In
their research Bagot et al. (2015), after investigating 550 students’ (8-11 years old)
perceived restorativeness found that children’s play experiences and perceived
restorativeness are strongly correlated with positive affect. Therefore, rather
than the physical characteristics of the school playground children associate
their restorativeness with their level of physical activity and opportunity of
social interaction which should be given consideration while designing their
restorative environments.
of symptoms in children with ADHD reduced after being engaged in activities in
green settings (Taylor et al. 2001;
Faber Taylor & Kuo 2011). In another research Faber Taylor & Kuo (2009) found that a walk in a park setting has more impact
on improving concentration in children with ADHD compared to a walk in urban or
neighbourhood setting with less greenery. Following the track of Taylor and
Kuo’s research, later Roe & Aspinall
explored young people’s behaviour in conventional and forest settings where
they found that adolescents with poor behaviour were greatly benefitted from
exposure to natural settings, significant effects were found in their energy
and hedonic tone and their stress was reduced measured by a questionnaire
survey before and after a typical school day and a typical day in forest school.
This clearly suggests that children’s poor behaviour can be managed by creating
environmental settings with more natural elements. In a multi-methods
quasi-experimental study on 133 middle school students in Austria it has been
found the renovated schoolyard (more greenery, enhanced seating and sports
opportunities and a drinking fountain were added to the existing environment)
reduced students’ physiological stress and enhanced their well-being whereas,
physiological stress in the students of the control schools were the same or
slightly increased over the same time period (Kelz et al. 2013). The change in the schoolyard also partly increased
its restorative potentials for the students.
My situation might be a discrete incident, however, Outdoor environments have restorative potentials even for young children. After researching 198 children in eleven preschools, Mårtensson et al. (2009) found that children spent more time in the outdoors and were more physically active in the schools with high environment scores and low sky view factors, they also showed less inattention therefore, proving the salutogenic potentials of the outdoor environments.
In a study on 1089 randomly assigned respondents
in Finland exploring the restorative experiences in the favourite places Korpela et al.
(2008) found that length of stay in the favourite places
is positively associated with restoration from stress followed by nature
orientedness and frequency of visiting the favourite place. The restorative
potentials of waterside environments is very strong, the high frequent visits
to such environment and hobbies related to it i.e. swimming, boating or fishing
and walking, jogging or berry picking is associated with strong restorative
experience too. The authors also suggested that by changing the frequency of
visit from once a week to 2-3 times per week would considerably increase the
strength of restorative experiences. Therefore, based on the findings from such
research, people suffering from stress can be prescribed regular visit their
favourite places- both natural and built settings in their vicinity.
All these findings suggest that design of the environment is important for children and adults' mental health and well-being. People of all ages and abilities should have access to parks or green spaces within a short walking distance from where they live, work or study. What they see from their living, work or study space is crucial which I can relate not only as an environmental designer but as a PhD student with inevitable PhD stress. The physical environment of primary schools should be designed carefully so that children have green view and as well as the opportunity to interact with others and be physically active.
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very well written!